Description is important to who a person is and the life a person lives. Who and what you are described as defines who you are, where you are and where you are going. Even if you are described by where you used to be or what you used to do, it is always in relation to where you are and where you’re going. So descriptions are very important and we’re going to look into the word of God to understand why we need to know who we are in Christ.
In the Bible, everyone that God called or used had a description. Adam had a description, Abraham had a description. When God called Abraham, He told him that his name would no longer be Abram but Abraham, to bring his name into sync with his calling. When God told Abraham that He’d make him a father of many nations, God was sowing intoAbraham’s spirit a description of himself. Abraham received the revelation of who he was and walked in the description of his destiny.
You see brethren, your description is very important to who you are. When Jesus Christ called the disciples, most of them were fishermen, the disciples saw and acknowledged themselves as fishermen and uneducated. But Jesus exposed their description to them and said you will no longer be fishers of fish but fishers of men. And that was Jesus’ description of the disciples, He gave them that description in the light of who they thought they were and who the actually were.
Likewise John 1: 35 – 51. When Philip went to tell Nathaniel about Jesus, Nathaniel’s first question was, “ where is he from?”. But when Jesus saw Nathaniel, His initial description was “ an Israelite indeed, in whom is no deceit”.
When Nathaniel was under the tree, he was meditating on the book of Psalms. He was meditating on the Saviour that would break Israel free from the rule of the Romans. He was a zealot, angry with the Roman rule over Israel and was awaiting the ruler that had been long prophesied about to liberate them from captivity. Immediately Nathaniel realised that Jesus had told him exactly what he was doing before their meeting. Jesus described Nathaniel for who he really was. The description of you as a person or a family or a nation is important for who you are and the steps you need to take into your future.
What is the most important description for you? Are you described as a child of God?