Welcome to Faith Channel Radio

Faith Channel is a Christian radio station, bringing you 24hrs christian broadcast. Music, daily devotional, bible studies & teaching from men and women of God.

Our mission is to spread the word of God through across the world via media evangelism. Experience an encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ, through our daily programs.

Without Faith

It is Impossible

to Please God

Live Radio Events 2024

Tune in to Faith channel radio live broadcast, Power In His Word with Nana Yaw George. The live Bible teachings and discussions, is aimed at empowering Christians and people all over the world. Nana Yaw George presents Bible revelation and mystries of the word of God.

Invite friends, family and loved once to tune in and experience the power of Gods declarations. God will give you strength to accomplish what ever you will start in this year 2023.

My prayer Altar, A non-denominational prayer meeting, would like to invite you to our Sunday evening declaration prayer time. Our theme for the year is "Total dependence on God". Join us, this and every Sunday 9pm UK time, as we make declarations by faith and trust the Holy Spirit for answer.

Join My prayer Altar whatsApp channel, for daily prayer declaration scriptures. we share bible promises of God to guide and empower our daily lives and faith in Christ Jesus.

Contemporary Christian Radio

Word of Faith

For they that trust in the lord shall be like mount Zion and can not be moved ( Psalm 125:1).

Much as you can not trust without faith, we trust God because of the faith we have in Him.

Get in touch

We would love to hear from you. Are you an organisation or an individual. Do you want to feature on radio or advertise your products?